So as I mentioned in a previous post, that I traded an old drum set for an old AC window unit that I no longer needed. The drums had been living in a closet for some time, and were very rusty. Very Rusty. Before they get played or even setup a thorough cleaning was in order. So after some You Tube, I came to the following:
1. WD-40
2. Rubber gloves
3. Steal Wool
I did this portion in my basement with some cardboard on the ground. Even with some occasional assistance from the kids this still took me quite some time. I had some before and after pictures but they are misplaced at this point. They look SO much better now, and super stoked with the work today. There will be many future posts with this kit I am sure.
— EDIT — 2022-10-09 —
This site had a few stops and starts for many months before I finally “settled” on this one for not. the point is the old site had all of the “proof” pictures of the drums, and they seem to have disappeared with one of the old sites. If that changes I will post them, but for now, alas …..
— EDIT — 2022-10-21 —
Sure enough, with enough hope, perseverance, and belief anything might be possible. I found the cleaning photos!!!
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