La Fete Du Funk – Music Project

Welcome to a new project for me.  Well, it is new and it’s not.

Facebook Page here ::

So a few years ago, some friends of King Rabbit’s guitar player Max wanted to through a party, but they wanted a live band.  Then I think, it became they wanted to sing some of their favorite disco and rock songs at their party.  From there it became this thing that we did a once a year Disco party, and it was always a bunch of fun, and everyone always seemed to have a great time.  From their the thought came to do the same thing, but at a 3rd party venue.  We started at Bourbon on Division, a couple of times now.  We are thinking of next steps?  Next venues?

Any ideas Chicago?

Having to learn 20+ songs in a few weeks is always a fun challenge, but being able to find a chart online to speed up this process is always a bit win for me.  So, in that spirit, I am going to start adding some of the charts I have been roughing up for these shows.  Some of these I have hand written already, and once I can scan them, I will upload them for anyone to download.  (These are VERY shorthand.)

Recently I was given a “new to me” iPad and while learning the device i have re-discovered iRealB.  I used to have this on an older Samsung Android tablet, but that had died some time ago.  This newer version has a much easier way to build a new chart, and I hope to start using this more for the tunes on this project.

Here are some pictures from our last show.

Some quick Videos from the show.
(A Fortunate 1 or solo, or a funky new dance! )