Drum Room Project :: Clean the Ceiling

Drum Room Project

Continuing with the home studio project.  The basement started with a bunch of junk all over the ceiling in the basement.  More lights than I would think necessary, and the majority of those are he unpleasant florescent lights.  The cobwebs and dust did not come through in the photos, but I spent a fair amount of time with a shop vacuum cleaning the ceiling.  There is still some more places to dust or vacuum.  I did not add any insulation at this point either.



Attached to the ceiling, hanging down. roughly 3 feet apart were the “not sure” pictures.  The thing little rods, are not really that strong, so they could not hold too much weight. My first thought was maybe fishing poles, but I found those in another part of the basement ceiling later.  There were many hooks and chains hanging from the ceiling like the one in the gallery.

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