New Lyrics :: Golden Brown

The music for the most part is done, and just really doing final tweeks to those.  Started to record vocals today, as I am good with where the lyrics are at right now.

The verses are from my time working restaurant jobs. They tell of my experience, emotions, and the things I specifically remember from specific restaurants.

The chorus is how the 9-5 makes me feel these days, but with the visualization of the “kitchen” car in the movie “snowpiercer”.  This is served in the most American fashion, as a deep fried dish.

Golden Brown


He slaps on the meat down, when the ticket goes on the line.
It’s hard to live each hour at seventeen sixty five.
4pm, Just down the street to catch that second shift.
Keeps grinding the day despite debts crushing bind.


Grind them up & spit them out
Just mash them right on down
Fry them in/with some useless shit
Until their golden brown


She works the morning rush, and slings the hash up good.
Fill it up and top it off, just add a cream or 2.
swollen feet & working hands, are all that she has known
Them patches pants, and second threads are all that she can own


Grind them up & spit them out
Just mash them right on down
Fry them in/with some useless shit
Until their golden brown


Stuck in a rut, a routine slave, it feels like doing time.
Just pay the bills, and buy new stuff just like the TV says.
Get up from bed, for that hour of stress & rush
Just don’t be late you salary slave as the torture starts at nine

Chorus x2 & Fade

Grind them up & spit them out
Just mash them right on down
Fry them in some useless shit
Until their golden brown