Brought to you by Open Secrets.
Just because I like to read the site.
For the first time in history, the majority of America’s elected officials in Washington, D.C. are millionaires.
At the same time, 50 percent of Americans cannot afford to spend $5,000 in an emergency. For many people that number is even lower.
Top 100
The average increase in net worth in the Top 100 was 114% per year.
— Clearly in pays well long term to join Congress.
Of the “Top 100”, 56 are Republicans, 43 are Democrats and one is an Independent.
— This is not ideological. Humans are going to human, regardless of policy.
The median American citizen saw his or her household net worth decrease from 2004 to 2012 by an annual rate of -0.94 percent, while members of Congress experienced a median annual increase of 1.55 percent. Congress saw a total increase of $316.5 million in assets held by all members in the study.
As of 2020, over half of the members of Congress were millionaires and the median net worth of members was approximately $1 million. The original documents for each member’s disclosure are publicly available on a database website, maintained by OpenSecrets.
Brought to you by Open Secrets. Just because I like to read the site.
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