Low Literacy Rates in the USA

a.k.a. Idiocracy is coming

This bit of blog snark is from this post : 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels.  Medium is going to make you sign up for at least a free account in order for you to read the whole article.  Yeah!  /snark

I have no idea why the Marxist was the first video.  I would have thought the Poverty one was first.  Only watched a bit of the first one, and moved on.  The second one was more interesting, and I might start it here if you are skeptical.

ofc, Forbes would only put it in economic terms. (paywall)

Some might argue this. I think Humans are going to Human, but there is definitely a lot more of Us vs Them these days in the USA.  More ways to divide us, and make sure we see the differences in each other.