In one of my favorite scenes of ridiculousness. Let’s Escalate the scene by having a bunch of people. Act like they’re typing stuff into a computer. While the woman screams things into a walkies talkie. Add another point in the end, The agent whose switch sides and becomes the good guy Get shot in the stomach by the station chief antagonist off the film. However, when we cut back to the station chief, she’s lowering her weapon as if having shot someone at the head level. The angle of the gun is all wrong.
The new super agent and “peter” running side by side shooting at each other. The new super agent was too much though for me. Too over the top. We have the “I killed your wife” moment, and then a very gruesome satisfying death. We knew all along that Jon Voight character was the head bad guy, and he knew the station chief. Handing the gun to the kid was a nice surprise but not unexpected. Why does this not seem that implausible?
Such a terrible death by Jon Voight.
Her speech after was cool. The not happy ending was a twist.