An Opinionated Ramp Up Guide to AWS Pentesting
Understanding the Shared Responsibility Model
AWS Customer Support Policy for Penetration Testing
Also, read this and follow the AWS pentesting rules.
Cloud Tests
- One is a review of the external facing posture, which you can consider adjacent to a traditional External Network Penetration Test.
- Another is a review of the AWS environment’s static configurations, which can be performed with Read-only permissions.
- The last and more in-depth penetration test is a dynamic test from the perspective of an attacker who obtained an initial foothold in an AWS account.
Whether this is from keys accidentally published to GitHub, a disgruntled employee, or a server hosted on AWS was compromised, and credentials were obtained. We want to ask ourselves what is more likely, a developer’s key being exposed through some arbitrary method or application, or a compute resource being exploited so an attacker can obtain credentials for an execution role. These are by far the most common ways that keys are exposed.