Getting Started :: Expand on our Little Setup

In truth, the only limitation the studio could possibly have is the songwriter.  In some ways it doesn’t matter what first made the noise.  In many ways it does not matter how the noise is recorded.  In almost every case, the only opinion that matters is the individual making the noise.  I think Miles said, Read More …

Twitter Tips

You can upload your email list to Twitter for targeted advertising but you have to remember that you are handing the Information to Twitter as well. Your email list is no longer just yours. You can target users that have searched for specific keywords or you can exclude keywords as well. +music +studio -lessons

Getting Started :: My Home Studio PC

My home PC is  not an off the shelf model.  In fact it was actually built by a friend of mine to be a server not a desktop. He offered to sell it to me for a decent price  right at the same time my original studio laptop was dying.  Price + need, and this Read More …

Notes :: Getting around some Defenses

Trying to read up on this for some work things. Dropping a few links here. Will add more notes as I go on. —————————————————————— bypassing-cylance-and-other-avs-edrs-by-unhooking-windows-apis “”” It’s worth noting that not all the functions get hijacked by AVs/EDRs. Usually only those functions that are known to be abused over and over again in the wiled that Read More …