Snare Drum Tricks

Tip 1 Spend the majority of your time on the kick and snare. These are the heart and pulse of the song. They are the most changed by microphone position and EQ. Get as close as possible to the sound you want on the original recording. Tip 2 Try adding a chorus to your snare Read More …

Drum Room Project :: Cleaning my new Drums

So as I mentioned in a previous post, that I traded an old drum set for an old AC window unit that I no longer needed. The drums had been living in a closet for some time, and were very rusty. Very Rusty. Before they get played or even setup a thorough cleaning was in Read More …

Drum Room Project

In the later summer of 2022 I traded an older window Air Conditioning unit for a Drum set. The kit is not 100% full. missing some cymbals, but I no longer needed the AC unit, so drums seemed a worthwhile trade. My wife was not the happiest of people, but was still incredibly supportive. The Read More …