What R U Practicing – Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie – ABBA

What are you practicing this lately…? “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimme!_Gimme!_Gimme!_(A_Man_After_Midnight)” is a song by Swedish band ABBA. It was recorded in August 1979 in order to help promote their North American and European tour of that year, and was released on ABBA’s Greatest Hits Vol. 2 album as the brand new track. This song is a staple of Read More …

What R U Practicing? :: Funkytown :: Lipps, Inc. #bass #basscover #practice

What are you practicing this week…? Same practice as the previous video, a quick practice after work and kids taxi service one day. This is the end of it before chow. Funkytown :: Lipps Inc. :: Mouth to Mouth #bassguitar #basscover #basspractice #practice #rollingstones #missyou  @LaFeteDuFunk  Worked out a few new video elements for audio Read More …

What R U Practicing? :: Miss You :: Rolling Stones #bass #basscover #practice

What are you practicing this week…? – Play Along Recorded a quick practice after work and kids taxi service one day. “Miss You” – The Rolling Stones From the album Honk #bassguitar #basscover #basspractice #practice #rollingstones #missyou  @LaFeteDuFunk  Worked out a few new video elements for audio and videos fades. Using these videos as a way Read More …