Here are some snippets from my first pedal video. This is some rising hum, that could be used for something if you find the loop you need.
Tag: 1bluebass
Improvised Pedal Music
Lately in the mornings I have begun making heavily delay infuse music with the bass pedals I have collected so far. I have nothing like Janek Gwizdala’s or Mars Volta guy’s toys, but I like the one’s I have. Here is the playlist where I will put all of these clips and what not. Playlist Read More …
Some Found Photos
Just a quick post of some photos I found. Most of these are with an older band called Professors on Furlough. This group was the first I have been in lately that originate from pit musicians meeting, grooving, hanging, and then wanting to do more music with each other.
Waves to Noise
Check out the latest in my Pedal Music Series. This one started off kind of cool I thought, but then it ended up in this wash of noise. I’m sure there is something there for someone though. As usual, you are free to use the sounds in this video for whatever purpose you want. Commercial Read More …
La Fete Du Funk – Music Project
Welcome to a new project for me. Well, it is new and it’s not. Facebook Page here :: So a few years ago, some friends of King Rabbit’s guitar player Max wanted to through a party, but they wanted a live band. Then I think, it became they wanted to sing some of their Read More …
Shout Out – Bedroom Producer’s Blog
Really been getting into this blog a bunch lately, that I want to give a shout out. Also are a couple of links to some lists I found super useful from this site. Free Compressor VST Plugins Free Limiter VST Plugins
Windows Stuff from GREM Exam
Here are some of the Windows API things that I have on older flashcards that I am adding to this site. Yes. flashcards. I used them to pass my GREM exam from SANS. GetAsychKeyState GetProcAddress Memory Registers EIP
Initial Experiments
This is the announcement for my first official solo release. I have released self published/ produced albums as part of a group, and have played on a fair share of other people’s albums. This is the first one from start to finish that it is just me doing everything. There is still a ton of Read More …
Ableton Master Track Chain
At time or original publishing here is the master track chain, that I am playing with in Ableton. EQ8 On this I basically kill anything below 20 to 25 Hz. I figure this is the bottom for the average set of ears frequency response range. I just get rid of it to help reduce the Read More …