A lifetime of Mastery

So I really enjoy Adam Neely’s posts. Maybe too much… He has good topics. The videos makes you think. His band is awesome!!! Totally my $.02 Maybe too many shorts on weird rhythms…. So anyway… This post is inspired by this Vlog post, and the response I guess.  It did make me think of this Read More …

Some Computer Blogs

This post is just another compilation from my earlier blogger site.  This post will focus on various newsletters, blogs, or similar that I followed at some point or another. Matteo Malvica Penetration Testing Lab Specific Articles New Forensic Investigation Procedures for First Responder Guides This is the story about when a nation state hacks into Read More …

My Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beat

Welcome to my Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beat story….. Link to post here. NI Blog here. How it started….. So I read through our lo-fi hip hop beat a little bit, and the article recommends opening up Battery in Komplete Kontrol.  I don’t have Battery currently, so this was the first challenge to overcome.  For me, Read More …

The Native Instruments Producers Series

The blog at Native Instruments has been putting out quite a bit of content as part of a Producers Series focused on learning music production.  I am going to use this post as a way to collect all of these together for others, and then you can pick through what you would like to read.  Read More …

Camp IT DR/BCP Conference Thoughts

Recently I attended a Camp IT Conference hosted at the Stephens Convention center in Rosemont Illinois.  This particular conference was Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity – Resilient Infrastructure.  While the Convention center in Rosemont is cavernous, our group was off to the side in the Executive areas. Next time I will remember to take photos! Read More …

Minor Illusions

The third song on my first album, Initial Experiments, was started as chords on the bass which is how the song starts.  This is the first tune I recorded with live instruments along with VST instruments.  Once I came up with the chord progression, I manually entered it into Ableton using the pencil tool.  All Read More …