I am new to Investing

So all of the folks of wisdom say that the stock market always goes up in the long run, although with plenty of unpredictable bumps along the way. Since you can’t predict those bumps until after they happen, there is no point in trying to dance in and out of it. In other words, the Read More …

What is SEO Poisoning?

SEO Poisoning (or Search Engine Optimization Poisoning) is a type of social engineering attack that targets an unsuspecting user, or maybe someone who is in a hurry and not paying close attention.  These are typically used by bad guys to fool unsuspecting users into clicking their links and going to the wrong website, or worse Read More …

The Native Instruments Producers Series

The blog at Native Instruments has been putting out quite a bit of content as part of a Producers Series focused on learning music production.  I am going to use this post as a way to collect all of these together for others, and then you can pick through what you would like to read.  Read More …

EQ Tips :: Bass Guitar

These are Tips per se, more just my collection of notes for recording or mixing the bass guitar. Hope some of these help you! 2022-11-04 Yes of course you want the low end from the bass.  It is the instrument that most often glues the harmony together in the song. Around a 100Hz that will Read More …

EQ Tips

– Less is more with all things equalization. If you are making big changes such as more than a 3dB raise then look to getting a better source sound. If it does not sound good going in to the processor, it will not sound good coming out. There are cases, where you do want a Read More …

Snare Drum Tricks

Tip 1 Spend the majority of your time on the kick and snare. These are the heart and pulse of the song. They are the most changed by microphone position and EQ. Get as close as possible to the sound you want on the original recording. Tip 2 Try adding a chorus to your snare Read More …