Want to understand how Kerberos works? Would you like to understand modern Kerberos attacks? Tim Media walks you through how to attack Kerberos with ticket attacks and Kerberoasting. He covers the basics of Kerberos authentication and then shows you how the trust model can be exploited for persistence, pivoting, and privilege escalation. At the conclusion, Read More …
Tag: microsoft
2 AD or not 2 AD
To AD or not to AD, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler to continue patching The slings and of the security researchers, Or to take arms against a sea of criminal adversaries And by opposing end them. To die to AD? No more? and by a decommission to say we end AD? The heartache Read More …
What is DTLS and where do I use it?
It’s best suited for small- to medium-sized businesses with deployments that range from tens to a few hundred computers. A provisioning package (. ppkg) is a container for a collection of configuration settings. Use the Windows Configuration Designer tool to create provisioning packages to easily configure devices running Windows client. Windows Configuration Designer is primarily Read More …
Windows Stuff from GREM Exam
Here are some of the Windows API things that I have on older flashcards that I am adding to this site. Yes. flashcards. I used them to pass my GREM exam from SANS. GetAsychKeyState GetProcAddress Memory Registers EIP