More Snarky Investing Thoughts

So this round of snarky investing thoughts, with the follow the money purpose is focused on music today. Specifically music distribution as it relates to streaming. I think. It starts with this you tube post :: In the video, and in this diagram, you can see all of the “hands” that in the cookie jar Read More …

Open AI’s – 20th Century Blue Masters

The 20th century saw the rise of many influential blues musicians who shaped the genre and left a lasting impact on music history. Some notable figures include: Robert Johnson – Often regarded as the most influential blues musician of all time, known for his haunting vocals and intricate guitar playing. Songs like “Cross Road Blues” Read More …

Improvised Pedal Music

Lately in the mornings I have begun making heavily delay infuse music with the bass pedals I have collected so far.  I have nothing like Janek Gwizdala’s or Mars Volta guy’s toys, but I like the one’s I have.  Here is the playlist where I will put all of these clips and what not. Playlist Read More …

A lifetime of Mastery

So I really enjoy Adam Neely’s posts. Maybe too much… He has good topics. The videos makes you think. His band is awesome!!! Totally my $.02 Maybe too many shorts on weird rhythms…. So anyway… This post is inspired by this Vlog post, and the response I guess.  It did make me think of this Read More …

EQ Tips

– Less is more with all things equalization. If you are making big changes such as more than a 3dB raise then look to getting a better source sound. If it does not sound good going in to the processor, it will not sound good coming out. There are cases, where you do want a Read More …