My Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beat

Welcome to my Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beat story….. Link to post here. NI Blog here. How it started….. So I read through our lo-fi hip hop beat a little bit, and the article recommends opening up Battery in Komplete Kontrol.  I don’t have Battery currently, so this was the first challenge to overcome.  For me, Read More …

Moroder’s Lab

I don’t really think this song is really that good example of a Moroder style bass or sound.  The title cam about in the following way…. The cover band I play bass in, La Fete Du Funk, was working on some new ABBA tunes to add to the set, and the chord progression is inspired Read More …

Stretching Too Far

For the Song I am writing this entry from memory. There are no initial notes for this song. Finally had got this new VST working, and this popped out. That literally was how this song started. The initial working title was “Long Chords”. Couldn’t think of anything else. It seems that initial naming of something Read More …

Minor Illusions

The third song on my first album, Initial Experiments, was started as chords on the bass which is how the song starts.  This is the first tune I recorded with live instruments along with VST instruments.  Once I came up with the chord progression, I manually entered it into Ableton using the pencil tool.  All Read More …