Moroder’s Lab

I don’t really think this song is really that good example of a Moroder style bass or sound.  The title cam about in the following way…. The cover band I play bass in, La Fete Du Funk, was working on some new ABBA tunes to add to the set, and the chord progression is inspired Read More …

Getting Started :: My Home Studio PC

My home PC is  not an off the shelf model.  In fact it was actually built by a friend of mine to be a server not a desktop. He offered to sell it to me for a decent price  right at the same time my original studio laptop was dying.  Price + need, and this Read More …

Old and New Sound Interface

I will admit that this device did not die on this specific day, but I held off on this post until Day of the dead to celebrate this old piece of gear. I used this for many years. It traveled from place to place many times, and I think just finally died of use. Too Read More …

EQ Tips

– Less is more with all things equalization. If you are making big changes such as more than a 3dB raise then look to getting a better source sound. If it does not sound good going in to the processor, it will not sound good coming out. There are cases, where you do want a Read More …

Snare Drum Tricks

Tip 1 Spend the majority of your time on the kick and snare. These are the heart and pulse of the song. They are the most changed by microphone position and EQ. Get as close as possible to the sound you want on the original recording. Tip 2 Try adding a chorus to your snare Read More …